Boca - 5,54 m. Pontal - 2,73 m. Calado - 3,00 m. Arqueaç?o Bruta - 85,55 t. Máquina Principal - Motor Diesel Catterpiller de 850 cv. Esforço máximo de tracç?o - 8,5 t. Publicada por BLUE MOON I em 11/26/2010 07:11:00 PM ...
Pousada Vila Sereia (Boca da Barra). 2. Campsites. Without prices on the website: Camping Boipeba (Velha Boipeba). ???????????????????????????- Map identifying the different locations of Boipeba mentioned on this entry: ... If you spot any errors or mistakes on the information contained on this entry, or you know of a hotel, pousada, hostel or camp site that has its own website and doesn't feature on my list here, drop me a line at the address that appears on the Contact ...